

Marij Roex is a visual artist who translates what she sees into her own images.
She isolates elements from self-evident observations, take them out of their context and enlarges them.
This creates a new reality with a still, sometimes also a monumental character.

The starting point in her visual language is suggestive imagery, people can give their own interpretation to it.
Her work can contain a mix of abstracted forms, enlargements, distortion or alienation.

Light, space and time are important elements in her work, directly or indirectly visible.
Although often we are not aware of them.
Converting the unconscious, self-evident presence of these elements into images, that is always a challenge.

Nature and architecture are inspiring issues in her work.
Her art is not limited to a specific medium, different disciplines like photography, mixed media and sculptures, are used.

‘The artist is the lover of nature, therefor he is her master and her slave’.
Rabindranath Tagore( Indian poet and writer)

‘We do not see what we (thinking to) see and the images that we make of things,
are not those things’.
René Margritte ( surrealist art ist)